Espiritu Santo Catholic School provides a comprehensive school counseling program that engages students and collaborates with school staff, parents, and the community to create a safe and respectful learning community to promote student success. The school counselor optimizes student success by addressing students’ academic, career, and social/ emotional development. Services are provided through classroom, small-group, and individual counseling. By providing education, prevention, and intervention, the school counselor helps our students achieve academic success and develop social / emotional skills. The school counselor provides professional assistance and support to students or small groups of students during times of transition, heightened stress, critical change or other situations impeding student success. The school counselor is trained to recognize and respond to students’ mental health needs and assist families seeking resources.
Parents and students are encouraged to contact the School Counselor, when educational, personal, or social difficulty arise at home or at school and interfere with the student’s ability to work to their potential.