Espiritu Santo School provides daily religion classes for all students. The students study the Catholic Bible, the history of the church, liturgy, the saints, and the sacraments. Students in kindergarten through eighth grade practice their faith through weekly Mass. Beginning in third grade students have opportunities to serve in leadership roles including lectors, hospitality ministers, and cantors. Students also have the opportunity to serve as sacristans (middle school), and altar servers may begin in fourth grade. In addition, school-wide prayer services are held monthly and are led by kindergarten through second-grade students. Middle school students attend annual faith-based retreats to enhance their personal faith journeys.
Students have opportunities for social justice outreach projects to serve the local community throughout the year. In addition, seventh grade students prepare and serve meals twice yearly at Pinellas Hope, a local homeless shelter. The eighth-grade students participate in Best Buddies International, helping build relationships with students with special needs. The students at Espiritu have numerous opportunities to gain experience, practice, and serve the greater community.
Students in second grade choose a saint to study each year and they dress as that saint at the Mass for All Saints Day.
Middle school houses pair with elementary homerooms and serve as Prayer Partners to the younger students. They sit together at weekly Mass and prayer services and build lasting relationships as they spend time together for fellowship throughout the year.
The English Language Arts curriculum, aligned with Florida State Standards, focuses on phonics, reading, writing, listening, speaking and language skills.
At the primary level, a foundation in decoding and phonemic skills is highlighted, gradually building comprehension and critical thinking skills throughout the subsequent grade levels. As students' progress in their reading skills, teachers scaffold the reading and comprehension of both fiction and nonfiction resources. Students are taught to seek specific evidence to support literary analysis. In elementary classrooms, students subscribe to Scholastic News for age-appropriate non-fiction texts to engage students with current topics. In addition, students study many fictitious stories and novels. Students test their comprehension through the Accelerated Reader program, an annual character parade, writing contests within the community, and participation in the diocesan-wide Battle of the Books competition.
The English Language Arts curriculum also stresses the full development of the writing process. Students secure the building blocks of grammar, then apply their knowledge through sentence structure variation, paragraph development, and essay writing. Students learn how to best express themselves through understanding their audience, providing evidence for their answers, and utilizing the brainstorming, creating, editing, and producing process. These skills add voice and craft to all forms of communication both in the classroom and beyond.
Cross-curricular integration occurs often between Social Studies and ELA in the elementary classrooms. For example, second grade students participate in an annual All Saints and Famous Americans project, while Science and ELA have a cross-curricular approach in middle school for Science fair projects. In addition to in-class assessments, presentations, and essays, student progress is monitored and addressed through Starfall, Savvas, and IXL online programs.
Middle school language arts build upon the foundations laid in previous years and aims to develop students’ critical thinking and reading skills. Students read a variety of short stories and informational texts, with a major focus on the synthesis of ideas across texts to inform essay writing and project-based assessment. Student writing focuses on crafting claims supported by cited evidence and well-elaborated reasoning. This writing is supported by a variety of reading strategies.
Novel Study units focus on developing a student’s ability to analyze literature in depth, with a focus on external and internal conflict, theme, motifs, and plot structure. A rigorous grammar and vocabulary curriculum supports student writing development and prepares them for high school placement tests and the SAT and ACT.
At all grade levels The STAR reader and Accelerated Reader programs are used to track student reading proficiency and encourage them to read a variety of novels outside of the classroom. In the elementary level, students AR goals are set to match individual need, while in middle school students are required to meet a set monthly goal. In addition to STAR and AR, students use a variety of other digital resources including IXL.
Students in middle school use Microsoft OneNote and Teams to type and edit assignments. This digital platform allows students to access their class materials anywhere, both inside and outside the classroom. Beyond ELA, there are many opportunities for students to demonstrate their mastery of key ELA skills including the diocesan-wide Forensics Speech Competition and the ESCS Spelling Bee. Overall, the ELA program is designed to provide students with a strong command of critical thinking and reading that will help them excel in high school and college, while also preparing them to be strong communicators throughout their lives.
The comprehensive math program starts at pre-K3 with number recognition and simple arithmetic then progresses to complex operations in Algebra I Honors.
The curriculum, aligned with state standards, emphasizes understanding mathematic principles, mastery of basic facts, problem solving, and application of mathematic concepts. Higher order thinking skills are emphasized throughout the entire math program. Young students learn through manipulatives which later become more abstract thinking activities. Besides in-class activities, assessments, and projects, students utilize Aleks (fourth-eighth grade) and IXL (second-eighth grade), and Simple Solutions (second-eighth grade) online resources to bolster skill sets and understanding of mathematic concepts.
All students are challenged on their own level to make math connections to the real world. In addition, ESCS high-achieving students compete in outside math competitions, encouraging them to challenge themselves and become more proficient in mathematics.
The science curriculum, aligning with Florida State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards (for middle school), focuses on Earth Space Science, Life Science, and Physical Science with each subsequent grade level gaining a deeper understanding of the concepts and ideas within the three domains.
Teachers’ key strategies offer problem-based learning to teach scientific concepts and challenge the students to make life connections. The working school garden is continuously used by our AGP teacher to enhance students’ scientific understandings. Schematics for an outdoor classroom have been developed to further extend learning through authentic application.
In addition, seventh grade students travel to Marine Lab in the Florida Keys for an overnight field trip to better understand the ocean and life within it.
The middle school science curriculum is lab-based. Students participate in a variety of hands-on laboratory activities, allowing students to experience applied science. Students use cooperative learning and current technology to enhance and apply knowledge to real life situations. The scientific method is used to design an experiment and complete individual science fair projects in seventh and eighth grade. ESCS Science Fair winners have the opportunity to compete at the county and state level.
The social studies curriculum blends academic study with hands-on experience, to create a meaningful understanding of society.
The Florida State Standards guide instruction along with the National Council for Social Studies
History, geography, economics, government, and civics studies are blended with an exploration of culture, authority, institutions, technology, and global environmental interactions. The focus is on individual development and identity with the key strategy of connecting students’ firsthand social interactions to the people and events studied.
Fieldtrips, groupwork, and simulations of real- world situations bring the curriculum to life. Second-grade visits Cracker Country to learn about rural Florida and compare the past and present. Fourth grade students travel to St. Augustine, Florida for a two-day exploration of Florida’s historical sites. Fifth grade students visit Enterprise Village, an economics and citizenship simulation program, where classroom lessons on personal finance, business operations and citizenship are put into action as the students spend the day working and receiving payment for their employment. Students also vote and operate the village government.
Further application of the social studies curriculum takes place in eighth grade as students travel to Finance Park. Here, students create realistic budgets, covering transportation, investment, banking, housing, entertainment, healthcare, utilities, food, clothing, and education. Trained volunteers and over 30 local business partners make Finance Park an authentic experience to help students become educated consumers and financially responsible adults.
All students enjoy music classes once a week throughout the year. Along with music theory, the course is “hands on” with a wide variety of instruments available for all ages to play. Students listen and study many genres of music from around the globe, to enhance the understanding and appreciation of the music they hear, play, and sing. Students can display their musical talents through our annual Christman concerts, Sights and Sounds, and other after of school outings.
Beyond school performances, students are invited to share their singing talents through performances at assisted living facilities, city festivities, and honorary tributes.
The students also participate weekly in the Mass by singing in the choir and cantering.
Highly qualified, experienced private instructors offer violin and piano lessons after school.
Students Prek4 – 8th grade participate in weekly art classes which introduce them to the elements and principles of art, master artists, art history, modern art and art appreciation while also building confidence and pride in their work.
The younger students learn about the Elements of Art: line, shape, color, value, texture, form, and space in a hands-on way. In addition to the Elements of Art, the older students learn about the Principles of Art such as emphasis, movement, unity, balance, contrast, and apply them to their artwork. The oldest students are given more artistic choice and apply their talents on long term projects. All students contribute to an annual art exhibit, with many participating and earning recognition in state and international competitions.
The Spanish curriculum prepares students to respond to Christ’s call to be missionary disciples.
Through learning the language of others, students can become interconnected to a global society and equipped both linguistically and culturally to communicate in a pluralistic American society and with people from other countries. Students also gain appreciation for their family heritage. The Spanish curriculum reinforces student learning in grammar, reading and social studies. The goal is to offer every student an avenue of learning that affords the mastery of language skills through listening, speaking, reading, writing, and the study of culture. PreK students attend once a week; Kindergarten through fifth grade attend twice a week and six through eighth grades attend three times a week.
Students attend physical education classes two times per week. The physical education curriculum includes a wide variety of activities and games to encourage lifelong fitness with a strong emphasis of Christian sportsmanlike conduct.
In fourth through eighth grade, students have opportunities for same sex instruction as well as co-ed activities. This encourages more playtime, promotes self-confidence, and enhances skills level. Students of all skill levels and abilities are taught basic skills of a variety of sports and on-going fitness activities. Through sportsmanship, fair play, and teamwork, students get many chances to put their faith into action in the gymnasium and on the field.
The health curriculum focuses on the wellness and education of the whole child: body, mind, and soul. In younger grades, health concepts are integrated into the science curriculum, whereas in fourth through eighth grade, students have a weekly same-sex class and teacher. Fitness concepts, nutritional guidelines, mental health, and healthy relationships are the components of the class.
The library media program is an integral component of Espiritu Santo’s curricula. Students in preschool through fifth grade have weekly classes where they focus on library skills and appreciation for literature. Middle school
students visit the library bi-weekly for a book exchange. All students are given the opportunity to read the Sunshine State Young Readers Award Nominees and then, if they choose, may participate in the Battle of the Books program. Students also take part in Accelerated Reader quizzes to earn recognition and awards for top readers.
Read aloud experiences are treasured by young and old alike. Fourth graders enjoy the Scholastic Storyworks magazines and interactive read aloud on the website. Two Book Fairs are held each year. Children and parents alike participate, which helps ignite the life-long love of reading.
Children are encouraged to read to each other and recommend the best loved books to classmates. The media center is the center point of the school, and the program reinforces the ESCS Language Arts Curriculum.
Students in PreK-4 through eighth grade have weekly technology classes that incorporate the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards.
Students begin with basic operation skills, keyboarding, and online safety. They continue with digital citizenship, learn communication and collaboration tools, word processing, excel, multimedia presentations, internet research and an introduction to coding. Our technology lab incorporates Windows based computers and students enhance their learning with the use of Apple iPads in the classrooms. Cross-curricular objectives are met as students demonstrate knowledge from various domains by using many applications in all classes and subjects.
The ESCNN live morning news program is produced and anchored by 8th grade students.