Espiritu Santo Catholic School was named a 2019 National Blue Ribbon Exemplary High Performing School by the US Department of Education on September 26, 2019. Non-public schools are recognized as “Exemplary High Performing” if their student achievement in English and mathematics is among the highest in the country (top 15%), measured by state assessments or nationally normed tests.
The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program recognizes outstanding public and non-public schools. In identifying several hundred outstanding schools (only 50 non-public) annually, the program celebrates school excellence, turn around stories, and closing subgroup achievement gaps. The Award is both a high aspiration and a potent resource of practitioner knowledge.
For 36 years the US Department of Education has bestowed this coveted award on more than 9000 American schools. National Blue Ribbon Schools represent the full diversity of American schools: public schools including charter schools, magnet/choice schools, Title I schools, and non-public schools including parochial and independent schools. They are urban, suburban, and rural, large and small, traditional and innovative, and serve students of every social, economic, and ethnic background. And yet they share some core elements of effective schools. Their leaders not only articulate a vision of excellence and hold everyone to high standards, they stay close to the real action of teaching and learning. Mutual respect and trust run deep in their cultures. Faculty are supported by mentoring and professional development and have time to coordinate their work. Data from many sources drive adaptations to support every student. Families and educators work together in trust.
It took a school-wide effort from faculty, staff, administration, students, families and the parish to achieve our goal of earning the 2019 National Blue Ribbon School of Exemplary Performance designation. We are blessed!